Using the power of magic is always exciting within Runescape If you've got an Anima Core of Seren armor it's almost impossible to stop. Would you like to have it for yourself? Here's how to achieve it:
Take a trip to in the Heart of Gielinor. Make time prior to the trip to reach the level of defense at 80. Mix the Dormant Anima Core with the Crest of Seren and you can create it. The requirements for smithing are similar to the other armor sets. However, you'll need 2 000 Seren faction points to start working on the armor.
While the armor sets described previously are very useful should you choose to there are other options to seek out. They are also applicable to the melee and ranged modes of attack, as well as magic. We suggest looking for the Bandos or Armadyl Subjugation armors from the first God Wars Dungeon. To get Bandos armor, here's how you can go about it:
Besiege General Graardor and his bodyguards at General Graardor's bodyguards and defeat them in the God Wars Dungeon. Get it back when they have dropped it after death. You can increase your level up to 65 defense. Armadyl armor is great for players with range and is available similarly that you defeat General Kree'arra along with 3 of his staff. The armor is picked up after the death of their leader. Upgrade ranges to levels 70. Level up defense to level 70.
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Using the power of magic is always exciting
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